She Always Chose Dare

We were in a spooky, scary cabin out in the middle of no where, it was me, with three of my friends, Justin, Justin #2, and normal white hoe. We had nothing to do in the cabin, so Justin #5 suggested Truth Or Dare. At this point, I shit my pants for what would come. Just-In-Time went first, and asked me "Truth...OR DARE!" in latin, good thing for me, I took latin in pre-school. I chose Truth cause I ain't no dumb motherfucker, BUT Justin #666 told everyone to look at normal white hoe who turned into basic black bitch. Basic black bitch told everyone to stop what they were doing, as she snapped her fingers and rolled her head in a full circle about 667 times. And she chose dare. But that was a mistake...Just-In-Myass, told her to leave. Little did he know, that was a mistake, basic black bitch fucked shit up from left to right and just died as she blew up and Satan appeared. Satan killed all the Justins, but I was able to escape....
I still have nightmares to this day, now remember, don't tell anyone this story, or, you'll die for all I know.
- From the notepad of Justin the Satan.